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Staff Spotlight: Isis Duncan

Staff Spotlight: Isis Duncan

Every month, the Teaching Center features individual staff members so you can get to learn a bit about who we are and what we do. Today, we’re featuring Isis Duncan, who is a Learning Space Consultant in Classroom Services.

Isis Duncan, Learning Space Consultant
Isis Duncan, Learning Space Consultant

Q: What work experiences led you to this position with the University Center for Teaching and Learning?
A: Two work experiences that led me to this position with the University Center for Teaching and Learning were previously working as a student employee at Classroom Services, as well as working as a Pitt Browne Fellow in 2019. Both positions allowed me to better appreciate the many small actions that compound to provide a quality educational experience for Pitt students, both within and outside of the classroom. I also became much more aware about civic engagement initiatives in the communities I’m a part of and found a way to contribute my strengths.

Q: What’s the most exciting project you’re working on right now? What makes it so interesting?
A: The most exciting project I’m currently working on is building the 2023 Studio Arts Senior Exhibition VR Tour. I get to view a plethora of different art pieces in different mediums. I’ve also been able to meet the artists in person and hear firsthand the thought processes and inspiration behind their works. As an artist, it’s nice to experience this overlap between my work and my personal interests!

Q: What do you love most about your job and why?
A: My team. I like the fact that the people I work with are as passionate about improving themselves and their work as I am, if not more. I also like that many of my colleagues have a great amount of knowledge in so many different subjects. From helping me improve my graphic design and video editing skills to challenging me to learn more about EduTech and instructional design, the Teaching Center has been at the center of my personal and professional development.

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