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Video Creation 101: What is the Process of Creating an Asynchronous Video?

Video Creation 101: What is the Process of Creating an Asynchronous Video?

Creating asynchronous video falls into three general stages: Pre-production, Production, and Post-production.


During the pre-production stage, you will go through the process of planning your video, creating an outline, script, or storyboard for project.

During this process, you should also determine what assets and resources you will need for your project.

If you are using any hardware or software that you are not familiar with, you may also want to take this time to practice using these tools and create some small sample productions to better familiarize yourself with the tools.


During the production stage, you will begin the process of creating and recording your video.

Record your video. Re-watch your recording to confirm that you’re satisfied with it, and record again if necessary.


Once you have a satisfactory recording, take some time to edit the video to ensure accessibility and improve the overall quality.

Once you have edited and published your video, you have several options for how to present your video to your audience.

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