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Using My Pitt Video and Panopto Folder Settings

Using My Pitt Video and Panopto Folder Settings

What is My Pitt Video?

The website sometimes referred to as My Pitt Video or Lecture Capture or just Panopto is found at My Pitt Video or can be accessed via the Pitt Portal. It is the cloud storage space that houses all of your Panopto videos, be they created using the Panopto Focus Recorder, or made through other means and then uploaded to Panopto.

Cloud storage means that your Panopto videos are accessible to stream over the internet in any place that you choose to share them.

The My Pitt Video website can help you organize, share, and manage your videos, which we discuss below.

Panopto Folders, Settings and Share Permissions

Video Contents

Note: this video still features some elements of the old Blackboard learning management system. Panopto has not changed and its integration with Canvas works in similar ways. Please bear with us while we update our resources.

00:37-00:58 – The Panopto home screen
00:59-01:12 – Browsing for Panopto folders
01:13-01:22 – Your Personal Folder
01:23-01:36 – Folders for Courses
01:37-01:53 – Emails from Panopto
01:54-02:29 – Moving Videos Between Folders
02:30-03:50 – Sharing videos
03:51-05:04 – Folder-level share settings
05:05-07:55 – Collecting video submissions from students


Accessing Folder Settings

NOTE: In order to access your Panopto folders for your course, you need to follow the steps in the Using Panopto with Canvas page. Once you have completed those steps, you will be able to see the link to the Panopto resources and folder settings mentioned in this article.

There are two ways to get into your Panopto Folder. One way is to go through your Canvas course by clicking on the Panopto Video link in your Course Navigation menu.

The other method is to log in through My Pitt Video directly and locate your folder in the left hand navigation area.

Screenshot of the My Pitt Video home page with My Folders open to browse

Clicking Browse [1] on the left hand menu will slide out a panel where you can click on the My Folders [2] tab to search and find the folders that you have Creator access to.

Folders that you do not have Creator access to will be grayed-out [3] but may contain internal folders that you do have Creator access to. So for example, the top-level folder containing all Canvas courses is not a folder that you have access to, but inside that folder will be your Canvas course folders [4], which you do.

Selecting the folder will open it for you to browse the videos inside and view or change their various settings.

To review and make changes to the folder, click the gear-shaped Folder Settings icon in the upper right corner of the screen. This will give you access to all of the settings for your folder from a menu to the left of the screen.

Settings button

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Folder Overview

When you click on the gear-shaped Folder Settings icon, it will open to display the Overview [1]. To change the name of the folder, click Edit [2] and rename the folder to anything you like. You can move this folder to reside inside a different parent folder [3], but this is not recommended for Canvas course folders. Create or edit a folder description by clicking the Edit link under Description [4]. You can create an assignment folder for your course where students would be able to record and upload sessions by clicking the Create Assignment Folder link [5].

Folder Settings Overview

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Share Settings

If you created the folder by enabling Panopto Video in your Canvas course, the share settings are automatically set to give users who have the student role in the Canvas course Viewer access and users who have the Teacher or TA role in the course Creator access. You do not need to manually alter the share settings of folders created in this way unless you want to include a different set of viewers or creators than were automatically set.

Settings Share

Click the Share tab [1] to manage who has access to the folder. The share link [2] can be given to students and others in the class. Clicking on Embed will display an embed code. The users and groups who currently have access as well as their permission status [3] is shown here. By default, students in your Canvas class are automatically added as viewers and other instructors in your Canvas class are automatically added as creators. However, you can individually invite users to view this folder by typing their Pitt username into the “Invite People:” text box [4]. You can assign these users as Viewers or Creators, depending on your selection from the drop-down menu [5].

Options for who has access to a video

Click on the drop-down menu to access the different share settings available. Options for folder and video share settings are as follows:

  1. Specific people: This is the default setting for new folders. Course folders created using the Canvas integration will be set to “Specific People” and then shared with the enrolled students and instructors in that Canvas course.
  2. Anyone at your organization with the link: The folder and its contents will be shareable with anyone with at Pitt login, as long as they are given the exact link to the folder.
  3. Anyone at your organization:
    This is not recommended. This will make the folder and its contents openly visible to all Pitt instructors, students and staff from both the My Pitt Video web page and as part of the Canvas integration.
  4. Anyone with the link: The folder and its contents will be shareable with anyone, as long as they are given the exact link to the folder.
  5. Public on the web:
    This is not recommended. This will make the folder and its contents searchable and visible to anyone, both within and outside Pitt.

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Folder Settings

Clicking on Settings will open up the next tab. This will allow you to tweak some additional settings.

Screenshot of folder settings with red circles numbering 1-5 as described in text below image.

  1. Allow viewers to make notes public: The full Panopto video player allows users to make time-stamped notes on the video content. This setting will allow or disallow users to make those notes public to other viewers.
  2. Email viewers when new videos are ready: Will send an email to all users with the Viewer role in the folder to notify that a new videos has been uploaded and is ready to watch.
  3. Disable comments on all sessions in this folder: The full Panopto video player allows viewers to make time-stamped comments which are visible to all other viewers. Checking this box will turn that off for all videos in the folder.
  4. Downloads: Use this drop-down menu to select which users would be able to download videos for offline viewing. (The default setting is that only the video creators as well as system administrators may do this.)
  5. Availability: Overrides the availability of your Panopto folder, irrespective of the availability of the associated Canvas course. You can manually control what date and time the sessions in this folder become viewable to your students, and when they stop being viewable.

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Folder Order

If you have a lot of content or want to rearrange the order of the content in your folder, you can select the Order link [1]. Click the checkbox to list the sessions in the folder [2], then click and drag the sessions into your preferred order [3]. The changes are saved automatically.

Settings Order

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Folder Management

The final link on the Folder Settings menu, Manage [1], allows you to access information and copy or delete the folder. On this screen, you can see the Folder ID [2], but you would rarely, if ever, need to know this. If you decide you no longer need the folder or its contents, you can select the Delete link [3] to permanently delete the folder’s data.

Settings Manage

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