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Understanding and Using Results From Your Pre-course Survey

Understanding and Using Results From Your Pre-course Survey

Standard questions (for reference):

  1. Briefly explain why you decided to take this course.
  2. What are you most excited to learn about in this course?
  3. Do you anticipate potential barriers that will hinder your learning in this class (if yes, what are those barriers)?
  4. Please describe any teaching strategies you find particularly useful.
  5. What could your instructor(s) or TA(s) do to improve or better support your learning experience in this course.

Categorize results:

  • Why are most students taking the course?
    • Can be used as a springboard for discussion.
  • What are students most excited to learn about?
    • Do these topics align with your learning objectives for the class?
  • What are students concerned about?
    • Can you provide additional resources?
    • Are course materials equally accessible to all students?
    • Have they mentioned anything specific? (i.e., concerns about assignments, due dates, having trouble navigating Canvas)
    • Are there resources on campus that you can direct students to?
  • How do students like to learn?
    • Do these strategies align with what you have planned?
    • Are there ways to add or modify activities?
  • What other information have students provided?
    • Are you surprised by anything students have expressed?
    • Have students expressed concerns over things that cannot be changed?

Understanding, responding to, and recording student feedback

Teaching Center resources that may be helpful:

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