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Styles of Video Commonly Used in Teaching and Learning, With Examples

Styles of Video Commonly Used in Teaching and Learning, With Examples

Lecture Capture

  • Teaching Center staff can come to your classroom and record one of your lectures live. This can be useful for you to observe later and for students who might have needed to miss a class session. Here’s an example of a Lecture Capture video.

Talking Head

  • In this Talking Head video produced by our media team, a professor introduces himself and his course to students at the beginning of a term. Such videos are useful for many other purposes as well, and can be professionally produced or done on a DIY-basis.

Voice over PowerPoint

  • Voice over PowerPoint videos are easy to make on a DIY-basis with Panopto, and the versatility of PowerPoint makes for a similarly wide range of options for your videos.

Tablet Capture

  • Using PowerPoint in conjunction with a stylus and tablet device, and recording through Panopto or other recording software, enables you to capture live annotations and add extra versatility to your video. Here is an example of a Tablet Capture video.


  • Lightboard videos are in some ways a subset of Tablet Capture, and use powerful technology that allows you to record annotations that appear to float between you and your students on a virtual surface.

Live Action

  • Live Action videos can be produced for a number of educational purposes, including lab demonstrations (as shown in our linked example) and field work.


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