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Microphone Technique for Podcasters

Microphone Technique for Podcasters

With the rise of podcasting, there’s access to more and more content with each day.

The more podcasts you hear, the more you’re able to notice the differences between high-end productions and amateur operations.

One of the most important factors in podcast production is microphone technique. To have good microphone technique, you should look at several components of how mics work.

Tip No. 1: Learn About Your Mic

To start, make sure you know your mic type and test your mic. There is a big difference in sensitivity from dynamic to condenser mics.

Condenser mics are much more sensitive, which allows you to sit 4-6 inches away from the microphone while speaking.

When using a dynamic mic, it’s important to have a close distance between your mouth and the capsule — ideally 2-3 inches.

Regardless of the type of mic you use, if you fall out of the optimal operating distance, there will be a significant drop off in your recorded audio levels. And when you’re in the middle of a discussion, it’s easy to become distracted and lean back or move out of the mic’s range.

Tip No. 2: Wear Headphones While Recording

Wearing headphones is an essential part of mic technique.

You may be wondering, what do headphones have to do with my mic?

When directly monitoring your own voice in headphones, you can quickly recognize if you’re out of range of the mic. This is because you will hear your own voice get quieter when moving.

Upon hearing a dip in your audio level, try to move back into range of your mic.

Tip No. 3: Learn About Polar Patterns

Back to knowing your mic…

It’s important to be aware of the polar pattern your mic is using. A polar pattern is an area stemming from the tip of the capsule that indicates the space in which audio is captured.

For example, the most common polar pattern is the cardioid pattern, which is shaped like heart. The cardioid pattern has an intentional dead zone directly behind the microphone, and you can use this to your advantage.

When recording a two-person podcast with cardioid pattern mics, it is best to rotate and position the mics 180 degrees away from each other. The reason for doing this is it limits the amount crosstalk or audio bleed from the person across from you.

Knowing about your microphone and focusing on good microphone technique are key factors that can instantly raise production values on a podcast.

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