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Customize Your Survey

Faculty can choose the OMET set of midterm survey questions (faculty choosing this option may still add questions to their survey):

At this point in the semester, your instructor would like to know:

  1. What is helping you to learn in this class?
  2. What is making learning difficult?
  3. What changes could be made to help you learn?
  4. What do you still find confusing or unclear?
  5. What steps could you take to improve your own learning in this course?

Or, faculty can choose to write their own questions. See our Instructions for Adding Custom Questions document.

Tips for writing survey questions:

  • Keep language simple
  • Avoid leading questions
  • Don’t combine concepts
  • Keep it short (avoid survey fatigue)
  • Can include scaled and open-ended questions (analysis of open-ended comments may take longer)
  • Refer to our midterm course survey questionnaire template for different categories and examples of types of questions

Question Samples

Scaled – (Strongly disagree, Disagree. Neutral, Agree, Strongly agree)

(Includes the following set of questions:)


I have sufficient access to the technology required to complete the requirements of this course.
I have sufficient knowledge of the technology required to complete this course.
The instructor clearly explained the technical requirements for the course.
Instructions for using technology tools are clear.
Video quality of presentations is good.
Audio quality of presentations is good.
Technology used in the remote aspect of this course works effectively.
The use of (online tool A, online tool B, etc.) contributed to my learning.
Online course materials are easy to use.
I can readily find readings and other assignments.
Instructions to complete online assignments are clear.
Instructions to complete online learning activities are clear.
The instructor provides clear guidelines for course requirements.
The instructor has clearly communicated what the requirements of this course are.
I understand what’s required of me in this course.
The instructor facilitates a sufficient level of online interaction.
I’m able to interact effectively with the instructor(s).
I’m able to interact effectively with fellow students.
Online interactions with classmates contribute to my understanding of the course content.
There is a good balance of synchronous and asynchronous instruction in this course.
Useful feedback is provided on assignments.
Assignments are appropriate to course level and credits earned.
Assignments require a reasonable amount of time to complete.
Instructor gives clear objectives for written assignments.


Is there something you wish I knew that would assist me in teaching this course?
What are some of the positive aspects of taking this course remotely?
What are some of the negative aspects of taking this course remotely?
What are your biggest challenges in taking this course remotely?
What can you do to positively impact your learning in this course?
What changes in the remote environment might improve your learning?

(Includes the following:)

The instructor encouraged initiative on the part of students.
The instructor motivated me to do my best work.
The instructor gave challenging assignments.
The instructor stimulated me to discuss related topics outside of class.
The instructor stimulated me to consider taking additional courses in this field.
The instructor stimulated my intellectual thought.
The instructor promoted thinking rather than memorization.
The instructor actively engaged students in the learning process.

  • I am developing the skills I need in this class.
  • I understand the class material.
  • I can apply what I’ve learned in this class to new situations.
  • I understand what is expected of me in this class.
  • The online materials are helping me learn in this class.
  • I feel comfortable speaking in this class.
  • This class stimulates my interest in the subject.
  • The course is appropriately paced.
  • Exams covered the material presented in class.
  • The online course materials are easy to use.
  • Assignments have increased my understanding of course concepts.
  • Grading is fair.
  • The instructor invites student questions and comments during class.
  • The instructor motivates me to learn.
  • The instructor has provided valuable feedback.
  • The instructor treats students with respect.
  • The instructor clearly explained the course objectives.
  • This instructor is available for assistance.
  • Which class activities, assignments, and/or resources are working well for you in this class?
  • What is the most important thing you’ve learned so far in this course?
  • List three things you like best about the class.
  • List three things you like least about the class.
  • Do you feel prepared for the upcoming exam? Why or Why not?
  • Is there anything else you would like the instructor to know?

For more suggestions, visit our main Question Library section.

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