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Standard questionnaires are used for each school and cannot be modified. Additional questions can be added by an instructor to customize their survey. The question samples below can be used or instructors can create their own custom questions.

When you log in to add your personalized questions – *Questions – will appear in the Blue Question Library, you can easily select these items to add. All other questions must be added to the “Create custom-worded questions” section at the bottom of the page.

Timeline for adding questions – Instructors will receive a notification email when the option to add questions is open. The deadline to add questions is 11:59 PM the day before surveys begin.

Instructions for adding questions.

The survey software system applies a five-point Likert scale (Strongly disagree, Disagree, Neutral, Agree, Strongly agree). Open ended comments questions can also be added.

Featured Question Sets

Question Number of surveys this question was added to – AY2019/20
The instructor treated students with respect. 327
Class discussion contributed positively to learning in this course. 272
The instructor actively engaged students in the learning process. 264
Instructor conveyed knowledge of the subject matter. 251
Assignments contributed to my learning experience in this course. 249
The instructor was well prepared for each day’s class. 197
Useful feedback was provided. 193
The instructor required an appropriate amount of work for the credits received. 182
Grading policies were fair. 175
Group work contributed to my understanding of the course material. 162
Assignments were helpful in learning the material. 106
The textbook made a valuable contribution to my learning. 102
The instructor actively engaged students in the learning process. 87
The directions for the use of online materials were clear. 67
The online course materials were easy to use. 63
Overall, I was satisfied with my online course experience. 53
The online interactions contributed to my understanding of the course content. 47
Examinations covered material presented in the class. 47
The instructor returned graded materials promptly. 45
The project(s) provided a meaningful learning experience. 45

The instructor of this course showed respect for all students in the course.
The instructor of this course encouraged me to respect points of view different from my own.
I learned to think critically about difficult issues of diversity.
The instructor was effective in handling multicultural issues and content.
I became more aware of multiple perspectives on issues of diversity.
The instructor was sensitive to multicultural issues in the classroom.
The instructor promoted meaningful discussions of issues of diversity.
The instructor valued the diversity of life experiences among students.
The instructor saw cultural and personal differences as assets.
Writing assignments encouraged the inclusion of diverse perspectives.
Reading assignments covered material from diverse perspectives.
The course pack covered material from diverse perspectives.
The course developed my ability to interact with diverse groups of people.
How might the class climate be made more inclusive of diverse students?
How might the course content be more inclusive of diverse groups?
How might the course materials be more inclusive of diverse groups?
How might the teaching methods used be made more sensitive to diverse needs?

Scaled (strongly disagree to strongly agree) 

The instructor discussed when it is appropriate to use generative AI to complete the coursework in this class.
The instructor clearly communicated the guidelines for the appropriate use of generative AI in this class.
The instructors’ guidelines for the appropriate use of generative AI to complete my coursework in this class were reasonable.
The instructor explained how to create effective generative AI prompts that produce desired responses.
The instructor explained how the use of generative AI can enhance my learning.
The instructor explained how the use of generative AI can be detrimental to my learning.
The instructor made me aware of the limitations of generative AI tools.
The instructor made me aware of the issues related to the ethical use of generative AI.
I used generative AI to research a topic for this class.
I used generative AI to assist with writing assignments in this class.
I used generative AI to brainstorm for a writing assignment in this class.
I used generative AI to help draft a writing assignment in this class.
I used generative AI to revise a writing assignment in this class.
I used generative AI to help me study for exams in this class.
I used generative AI to help me learn new content in this class.
I used generative AI to help me review content in this class.
I needed to use generative AI to remain competitive in this class.
I needed to use generative AI to master the content covered in this class.

Open Ended 

What concerns, if any, do you have about the use of generative AI to complete your coursework?
What generative AI tools did you use, if any, to assist with completing coursework for this class?
What barriers, if any, did you encounter when trying to use generative AI?
What additional resources related to generative AI should the instructor add?
How has generative AI affected your study habits and approach to completing assignments, if at all?
If you used generative AI in this course, would you utilize generative AI again if you had to take this course again?  Why or why not?

Additional Question Examples

Classroom Activities
Classroom Space
Course-Related Items
Department-Related Items
Discussions and Questions
Distance Learning
Diversity and Inclusion
Engineering - Clickers
Engineering - Computers
Guest Speaker
Generative AI
Instructor Interactions With Students
Open Educational Resources
Pace and Difficulty
Planning and Organization
Problem-Based Learning
Professional Development
Recitation Section
Remote Teaching and Learning
School of Dental Medicine (SDM) Question Bank
Small Groups
Student Attitudes and Values
Student Development
Student Motivation
Student-Related Items
Teaching Assistant
Teaching-Related Items
Team Teaching
Web-based Materials

Assignments were relevant to what was presented in class.
Assignments contributed to my learning experience in this course.*
Assignments helped to stimulate my interest in the course material.
Assignments were graded fairly.
Assignments required a reasonable amount of effort.
Useful feedback was provided on assignments.
Assignments contributed to my attainment of course objectives.*
Assignments were appropriate to course level and credits earned.
Assignments required a reasonable amount of time to complete.
Computer assignments should be used again in teaching this course.
Computer assignments required a reasonable amount of time.
Written assignments helped me to learn the subject matter of the course.
Instructor gave clear objectives for written assignments.
I had to collaborate with other students to complete assignments.
Assignments helped me improve my problem-solving abilities.
Assignments were helpful in learning the material.*

Classroom Activities

Classroom activities made a valuable contribution to my learning.*
Classroom activities should be used again in teaching this course.
Classroom activities helped to make the course interesting.
Classroom activities provided a meaningful learning experience.
Classroom activities challenged me intellectually.
Classroom activities increased my interest in the subject.
Classroom activities helped to clarify difficult concepts.
Classroom activities adequately prepared me for the exam(s).
Classroom activities provided opportunities for practicing new skills.
The variety of classroom activities contributed to my learning.


The classroom for this course promotes student participation in the learning experience.
The classroom for this course promotes discussion in class.
The classroom for this course enabled me to communicate effectively with my classmates.
The classroom for this course enabled to communicate effectively with my instructor.
The classroom for this course facilitates the in-class activities.
The classroom for this course facilitates multiple types of learning activities.
The classroom for this course made it easier to share information.
The classroom for this course made collaboration with my classmates easier.
The classroom for this course was beneficial to my learning.
The use of technology (or specific tool) in this classroom was effective.


The instructor gave useful feedback on patient assessments.
The instructor treated students as professional members of the health care team.
The instructor demonstrated technical skills with confidence.
The instructor identified specific problems with my clinical skills.
The instructor gave practical suggestions to help students improve technical skills.
The instructor helped students relate classroom learning to the clinical experience.
The clinical experience helped me develop diagnostic skills.*
The clinical experience made a valuable contribution to my development as a professional.*
The instructor helped students relate theoretical learning to the clinical experience.
The clinical site provided sufficient opportunities for practicing clinical skills.*
My preceptor provided me with learning experiences that facilitated my clinical and professional growth.*
The clinical site provided varied experiences.
The clinical site provided examples of nursing leadership.

course related items

Course description was accurate in describing course content.
Course requirements were presented.
Course objectives were presented.
Course covered stated objectives.
The skills I was expected to develop in this course were clear to me.
Course requirements were appropriate for the level of the course.
Course requirements were appropriate for the credits earned.
The course materials were effective in conveying relevant information.
Course was well organized.
Course was appropriately paced.
The course was intellectually challenging.
The course stimulated my interest.
In this course, I received instructional resources that contributed to my learning of the subject matter.
The course provided an effective learning experience for me.
Examinations reflected important aspects of the course.
Amount of work was reasonable for course level.
Amount of work was reasonable for credits earned.
Grading standards were clearly communicated.
Work was graded fairly.
Assigned work was appropriate to course level.
Assigned work was appropriate to credits earned.
Material was coordinated in a meaningful sequence.
Discussions contributed to my learning.
Discussions contributed to my understanding of the subject.
Readings contributed to my learning.
Readings contributed to my understanding of the subject.
Assignments contributed to my learning.
Assignments contributed to my understanding of the subject.
Laboratory contributed to my learning.
Laboratory contributed to my understanding of the subject.
Lectures contributed to my learning.
Lectures contributed to my understanding of the subject.
The instructor followed the syllabus closely.*

department-related items

The instructor stimulated my desire to take additional courses in this department.
Course content stimulated my desire to take additional courses in this department.

discussion and questions

The instructor kept the balance between discussion and lecture well-suited to this type of course.
The instructor handled class discussions skillfully.
The instructor controlled class discussions to prevent rambling.
The instructor encouraged students to express their own opinions.
The instructor encouraged students to ask questions.
The instructor showed respect for the questions and opinions of students.
The instructor maintained an environment where students felt comfortable asking questions.
Class discussion contributed positively to learning in this course.*
The instructor evoked participation from students that was useful to me.
The instructor asked challenging questions.
The instructor discussed points of view other than his/her own.
The instructor discussed implications of various theories.
The instructor summarized discussion to reinforce learning.
The instructor budgeted sufficient time for students’ questions.
The instructor responded to students’ inquiries in a helpful manner.
The instructor kept class discussion focused on key issues.*
Controversial issues were handled well during discussion.

distance learning

The distance learning system was easy to use.
The video quality of the presentations was good.
The audio quality of the presentations was good.
The course materials on Canvas contributed to my learning.
The archived course lectures contributed to my learning.
I was able to interact effectively with the instructor(s) during lectures.
I was able to interact effectively with fellow students during lectures.
I was able to interact effectively with the instructor(s) outside of lectures.
Distance delivery was effectively used in this course.
This distance learning format provided a better learning experience than what I would have received from a traditional classroom program.
I would readily take another course in distance learning mode. I would recommend the distance learning format to a colleague.

diversity and inclusion

The instructor of this course showed respect for all students in the course.
The instructor of this course encouraged me to respect points of view different from my own.
I learned to think critically about difficult issues of diversity.
The instructor was effective in handling multicultural issues and content.
I became more aware of multiple perspectives on issues of diversity.
The instructor was sensitive to multicultural issues in the classroom.
The instructor promoted meaningful discussions of issues of diversity.
The instructor valued the diversity of life experiences among students.
The instructor saw cultural and personal differences as assets.
Writing assignments encouraged the inclusion of diverse perspectives.
Reading assignments covered material from diverse perspectives.
The course pack covered material from diverse perspectives.
The course developed my ability to interact with diverse groups of people.
How might the class climate be made more inclusive of diverse students?
How might the course content be more inclusive of diverse groups?
How might the course materials be more inclusive of diverse groups?
How might the teaching methods used be made more sensitive to diverse needs?

engineering - clickers

Use of (participation with) clickers helped me to focus and pay more attention during lectures.
Participation with clickers improved my understanding of the subject content.
Use of (participation with) clickers allowed me to engage directly with the content being presented.
Participation with clickers increased my interaction with the instructor.
Participation with clickers increased my interaction with other students.
Participation with clickers encouraged me to attend lectures more regularly.
Use of clickers made me prepare better for the class.
The use of clickers in this course should be continued in the future.

engineering - computers

Use of (participation with) computers helped me to focus and pay more attention during lectures.
Participation with computers improved my understanding of the subject content.
Use of (participation with) computers allowed me to engage directly with the content being presented.
Participation with computers increased my interaction with the instructor.
Participation with computers increased my interaction with other students.
Participation with computers encouraged me to attend lectures more regularly.
Use of computers made me prepare better for the class.
The use of computers in this course should be continued in the future.


Examinations covered material presented in the class.*
Examinations reflected important aspects of the course.
Grading of the exams that have been returned to you was reasonable and fair.
Quizzes were helpful in learning the material.
Quizzes helped me to prepare for the exams.*
Quizzes should be used again in teaching this course.
Examinations were fair.
Examination items were clear and understandable.
Examinations provided opportunity to demonstrate what I learned in the course.
Exams stressed synthesis of information rather than memorizing facts.


The instructor gave constructive criticism on written work.
The instructor kept students informed of their progress.
The instructor suggested specific ways students could improve.
The instructor returned exams and written work promptly.
The instructor gave an adequate amount of feedback on examinations.
The instructor gave an adequate amount of feedback on written work.
The instructor gave a clear explanation of the grading system at the beginning of the course.
The grading policies were fair.*
The grading system motivated me to work hard.
Useful feedback was provided.*
The instructor responded to my e-mail inquiries promptly.
The instructor returned graded materials promptly.

generative ai

Scaled (strongly disagree to strongly agree) 

The instructor discussed when it is appropriate to use generative AI to complete the coursework in this class.
The instructor clearly communicated the guidelines for the appropriate use of generative AI in this class.
The instructors’ guidelines for the appropriate use of generative AI to complete my coursework in this class were reasonable.
The instructor explained how to create effective generative AI prompts that produce desired responses.
The instructor explained how the use of generative AI can enhance my learning.
The instructor explained how the use of generative AI can be detrimental to my learning.
The instructor made me aware of the limitations of generative AI tools.
The instructor made me aware of the issues related to the ethical use of generative AI.
I used generative AI to research a topic for this class.
I used generative AI to assist with writing assignments in this class.
I used generative AI to brainstorm for a writing assignment in this class.
I used generative AI to help draft a writing assignment in this class.
I used generative AI to revise a writing assignment in this class.
I used generative AI to help me study for exams in this class.
I used generative AI to help me learn new content in this class.
I used generative AI to help me review content in this class.
I needed to use generative AI to remain competitive in this class.
I needed to use generative AI to master the content covered in this class.

Open Ended 

What concerns, if any, do you have about the use of generative AI to complete your coursework?
What generative AI tools did you use, if any, to assist with completing coursework for this class?
What barriers, if any, did you encounter when trying to use generative AI?
What additional resources related to generative AI should the instructor add?
How has generative AI affected your study habits and approach to completing assignments, if at all?
If you used generative AI in this course, would you utilize generative AI again if you had to take this course again?  Why or why not?

guest speaker

The guest speaker was interesting and stimulating.
The guest speaker gave an effective presentation.*
The guest speaker should be asked to speak again in this course.*


The relationship of handouts to course content was clear.
The handouts were clear and understandable.
The handouts were helpful in studying.
The handouts made a valuable contribution to my learning in this course.


The instructor challenged me intellectually.
The instructor increased my interest in the subject.
The instructor helped to clarify difficult concepts.
The instructor adequately prepared me for the exam(s).*
The instructor gave directions that were easy to follow.
The instructor gave clear and precise critiques.
The instructor was readily available for assistance.
The instructor’s demonstrations were helpful.
The instructor recognized different levels of ability.

instructor interactions with students

The instructor treated students with respect.*
The instructor was sensitive to class difficulties.
The instructor was willing to help students outside of class.
The instructor gave students feedback without embarrassing them in front of others.
The instructor seemed to take an active, personal interest in the progress of the class.
The instructor gave individual attention to students.
The instructor was concerned about students’ progress in the course.
The instructor was friendly and sympathetic in manner.
The instructor encouraged interaction among students.
The instructor was sensitive when I had difficulty understanding subject matter.
The instructor showed a genuine desire to teach.
The instructor was approachable.


Fundamental principles needed to understand lab experiments were dealt with prior to lab assignments.
Requirements of the lab assignments were made clear.
Lab assignments/projects were challenging – not routine exercises.
Ample opportunity was available to ask questions in the lab.
Lab manual(s) or hand-out sheets were helpful in understanding lab assignments.
If you came prepared for the lab, adequate time was allotted for completion of lab assignments.
Criteria for grading lab reports were clearly specified.
Lab reports were graded and returned promptly.
Constructive feedback was provided in lab.
Lab experiences helped to clarify the lecture material.*
Lab instructor provided adequate individual attention.
Equipment was readily available for the lab.*


Instructor conveyed knowledge of the subject matter.*
Instructor kept my attention during lecture.
I had difficulty identifying the main points of the lecture.
The instructor monitored student understanding during lecture.
The instructor maintained eye contact with the class during lecture.
The instructor dwelled excessively on obvious points.
The instructor spoke with variety in tone of voice.


The directions for the use of online materials were clear.*
The instructor clearly explained the technical requirements for the course.
It was easy to understand where and how to get started in the course.
It was easy to navigate through the sections of the online course.
I could readily find readings and other assignments.
Instructions to complete assignments were clear.
Instructions to complete learning activities were clear.
Instructions for using technology tools were clear.
The online course materials were easy to use.*
The online course materials found in Canvas made a valuable contribution to my learning.*
There was an adequate amount of online course materials available to meet my learning goals.*
I was able to interact effectively with the instructor(s).
The instructor provided clear guidelines for course requirements.
The instructor’s feedback was helpful to my learning.
The instructor provided feedback in a timely fashion.
The instructor facilitated a sufficient level of online interaction.*
I was able to interact effectively with fellow students.
The online interactions with classmates contributed to my understanding of the course content.
I contributed more in the online discussion board than I would in a regular classroom setting.
The video quality of the presentations was good.
The audio quality of the presentations was good.
The use of (online tool A, online tool B, etc.) contributed to my learning.
I could access all components of the course.
The course assignments made a valuable contribution to my online learning.
Online learning is as effective as regular classroom instruction.
Overall, I was satisfied with my online course experience.*

open educational resources

An Open Educational Resource is a resource that is free of cost and access barriers, and which also carries legal permission for open use. Open means faculty members or students are free to retain, reuse, revise, remix, and redistribute these educational materials.

Questions: Strongly disagree, disagree, neutral, agree, Strongly agree

The Open Educational Resources made a valuable contribution to my learning.
The Open Educational Resources are clear and understandable.
The Open Educational Resources should be used again in teaching this course.
The Open Educational Resources were the same or better than the textbook in other courses.
I was able to access the Open Educational Resources for this course.
I was able to retrieve the Open Educational Resources for this course.
I was satisfied with the quality of the Open Educational Resources’ content for this course.
There is a match between the Open Educational Resources’ content and specific learning objectives of this course.
Using the course Open Educational Resources instead of a textbook increased my exposure to different ways of learning.
Using the course Open Educational Resources instead of a textbook increased my satisfaction with the learning experience.
Using the course Open Educational Resources instead of a textbook increased my engagement with the course.
I would like to take more courses that use Open Educational Resources.
I would recommend a course that uses Open Educational Resources to others.

Open-ended Questions:
If your instructor directed you to Open Educational Resources, would you have liked to have the option of purchasing a low-cost printed version of that material in the University Store?
What did you like best about using Open Educational Resources?
What did you like least about using Open Educational Resources?
Provide any additional comments you may have.

pace and difficulty

The instructor made the course sufficiently difficult to be stimulating.
The instructor required an appropriate amount of work for the credits received.*
The instructor taught near the class level.
The instructor paced presentation of material so that students could learn.
The instructor set high but attainable standards for students.
The instructor’s high expectations helped me perform to the best of my ability.


Instructor encouraged initiative on the part of students.
Instructor motivated me to do my best work.
Instructor stimulated me to consider taking additional courses in this field.
Classroom activities helped to clarify difficult concepts.
Classroom activities helped to make the course interesting.
Classroom activities increased my interest in the subject.
Classroom activities made a valuable contribution to my learning.
Classroom activities provided opportunities for practicing new skills.
Course was well organized.
Other students’ behavior in the classroom was disruptive to my learning.
The instructor’s spoken language was understandable.
The instructor comprehended the questions that were asked by students.
The instructor created an atmosphere that was open and positive.
Team teachers coordinated their instruction.
Team teaching made a valuable contribution to my learning.
The team-teaching approach provided insights a single instructor could not provide.
Team teaching was used effectively in this course.
Team teaching helped to make the course interesting.

planning and organization

The instructor made good use of class time.
The instructor was well prepared for each day’s class.*
The instructor gave well-organized lectures.
The instructor related the subject matter to other fields.
The instructor clearly explained the course objectives.*
The instructor lectured in a manner that facilitated good note taking.
The instructor clearly indicated transition from one topic to the next.
The instructor planned classroom activities that engaged students in learning.


The presentations made a valuable contribution to my learning.
The presentations should be used again in teaching this course.
The presentations helped to make the course interesting.
The presentations provided a meaningful learning experience.*
The presentations challenged me intellectually.
The presentations increased my interest in the subject.
The presentations helped to clarify difficult concepts.
The presentations adequately prepared me for the exam(s).
The presentations provided opportunities for practicing new skills.

problem-based learning

Problem-based learning made a valuable contribution to my learning.*
Problem-based learning should be used again in teaching this course.
Problem-based learning helped to make the course interesting.
Problem-based learning provided a meaningful learning experience.
Problem-based learning challenged me intellectually.
Problem-based learning increased my interest in the subject.
Problem-based learning helped to clarify difficult concepts.
Problem-based learning adequately prepared me for the exam(s).
Problem-based learning provided opportunities for practicing new skills.

professional development

This class made a valuable contribution to my professional development.*
This course helped me gain an understanding of professional ethics.
The instructor was a good role model for this profession.
The instructor treated me in a professional manner.


The project(s) made a valuable contribution to my learning.
The project(s) should be used again in teaching this course.
The project(s) helped to make the course interesting.
The project(s) provided a meaningful learning experience.*
The project(s) challenged me intellectually.
The project(s) increased my interest in the subject.
The project(s) helped to clarify difficult concepts.
The project(s) adequately prepared me for the exam(s).
The project(s) provided opportunities for practicing new skills.


The readings contributed to my attainment of the course objectives.*
The readings stimulated my interest in the course.
The readings were relevant to the material presented in class.
The readings on reserve at the library were available when sought.
The readings could be completed in a reasonable amount of time.
Recommended readings made a valuable contribution to my learning.*

recitation section

The recitation section made a valuable contribution to my learning in this course.*
Material presented in the recitation section complemented the material presented in the main lectures.
The recitation section provided the opportunity for discussion.
The recitation section provided the opportunity for questions.
The recitation assignments and/or quizzes were graded and returned promptly.

Remote Teaching and Learning


I have sufficient access to the technology required to complete the requirements of this course.*
I have sufficient knowledge of the technology required to complete this course.*
The instructor clearly explained the technical requirements for the course.
Instructions for using technology tools are clear.*
Video quality of presentations is good.
Audio quality of presentations is good.
Technology used in the remote aspect of this course works effectively.*
The use of (online tool A, online tool B, etc.) contributed to my learning.
Online course materials are easy to use.
I can readily find readings and other assignments.
Instructions to complete online assignments are clear.
Instructions to complete online learning activities are clear.
The instructor provides clear guidelines for course requirements.
The instructor has clearly communicated what the requirements of this course are.*
I understand what’s required of me in this course.
The instructor facilitates a sufficient level of online interaction.
I’m able to interact effectively with the instructor(s).
I’m able to interact effectively with fellow students.
Online interactions with classmates contribute to my understanding of the course content.
There is a good balance of synchronous and asynchronous instruction in this course.*
Useful feedback is provided on assignments.
Assignments are appropriate to course level and credits earned.
Assignments require a reasonable amount of time to complete.
Instructor gives clear objectives for written assignments.


Is there something you wish I knew that would assist me in teaching this course?
What are some of the positive aspects of taking this course remotely?*
What are some of the negative aspects of taking this course remotely?*
What are your biggest challenges in taking this course remotely?
What can you do to positively impact your learning in this course?
What changes in the remote environment might improve your learning?*

School of Dental Medicine (SDM) Question Bank

The difficulty level of the subject matter presented by this instructor was comparable to other instructors I have had.*
The instructor showed interest and enthusiasm in his/her teaching.*
The instructor stimulated my interest in the subject.*
The instructor facilitated the development of problem-solving skills, when appropriate.*
The instructor inspired confidence in his/her knowledge of the subject.*
The overall teaching quality of this course was effective.*
I expect to be graded fairly in this class.*
The amount of studying I did for this class was comparable to other classes I have taken.*
This course was appropriately paced.*
This course was well integrated without duplication of material within the course.*
Examinations reflected important aspects of the course.*
Grading of the examinations that have been returned to me has been reasonable and fair.*

small groups

The instructor designed meaningful tasks for small groups.
The instructor set expectations for each student’s contribution in the group.
Group work contributed to my understanding of the course material.*
Group work helped to develop my skills in problem-solving.
The members of my group put forth comparable effort.
My group experienced difficulty working together.
Scheduling conflicts prevented my group from working together.
Group work counts too much toward my overall grade in this class.

student attitudes and values

The instructor stimulated me to reconsider many of my former attitudes.
The instructor helped me to understand values related to this field.
The instructor helped me develop a greater awareness of societal problems.
The instructor helped me gain insight into my own values.
The instructor helped me become more aware of cultural diversity issues.*

student development

This course helped to increase my skills in thinking.
This course helped me to learn new approaches for solving problems.
This course helped to develop my ability to solve real problems in this field.*
This course helped to broaden my interests.
This course helped me learn to identify main points and central issues in this field.
This course helped me learn to apply concepts from this course to new situations.*
This course enabled me to read research in this field with understanding.
This course helped me communicate clearly about this subject.*
This course helped me to improve my critical thinking skills.
This course helped me to improve my library research skills.
This course helped me to improve my writing skills.
This course enabled me to critically evaluate research in this field.*
This course helped improve my oral communication skills.
The instructor helped me develop better study skills.
The instructor helped me gain confidence in my presentation skills.

student motivation

The instructor encouraged initiative on the part of students.
The instructor motivated me to do my best work.
The instructor gave challenging assignments.
The instructor stimulated me to discuss related topics outside of class.
The instructor stimulated me to consider taking additional courses in this field.
The instructor stimulated my intellectual thought.
The instructor promoted thinking rather than memorization.
The instructor actively engaged students in the learning process.*

student-related items

Work commitments prevented me from attending class.
Other students’ behavior in the classroom was disruptive to my learning.

teaching assistant

The TA challenged me intellectually.
The TA increased my interest in the subject.
The TA helped to clarify difficult concepts.*
The TA adequately prepared me for the exam(s).*
The TA gave directions that were easy to follow.*
The TA gave clear and precise critiques.*
The TA was readily available for assistance.*
The TA’s demonstrations were helpful.
The TA recognized different levels of ability.

teaching-related items

Conferences with the instructor were helpful.
Writing on blackboard was readable.
The instructor’s spoken language was understandable.
The instructor comprehended the questions that were asked by students.
The instructor gave students adequate time to copy board work before erasing.
The instructor created an atmosphere that was open and positive.
The instructor structured classroom activities to ensure equitable participation by students.

team teaching

Team teachers coordinated their instruction.
Team teaching made a valuable contribution to my learning.*
The team-teaching approach provided insights a single instructor could not provide.
Team teaching was used effectively in this course.
Team teaching helped to make the course interesting.


The textbook should be used again in teaching this course.
The textbook is clear and understandable.
The textbook made a valuable contribution to my learning.*
The textbook helped to broaden my knowledge of course content.
The textbook complemented the class lectures and discussions.
The textbook was appropriate for the course.
The textbook presented material in an interesting manner.
Having the course texts on reserve at the library made me less likely to purchase them. (Library course reserves are 1 or more copies of the text which may be borrowed for a limited time period).

web-based materials

The web-based materials made a valuable contribution to my learning.*
The web-based materials should be used again in teaching this course.
The web-based materials helped to make the course interesting.
The web-based materials provided a meaningful learning experience.
The web-based materials challenged me intellectually.
The web-based materials increased my interest in the subject.
The web-based materials helped to clarify difficult concepts.
The web-based materials adequately prepared me for the exam(s).
The web-based materials provided opportunities for practicing new skills.

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